The main objective of the project is to review, assess and present the results of the energy sector measures financed by KIDSF from 2001 to 2016, focussing on four key aspects:
• Review, summary and assessment of mitigating effects
• Assessment of energy related impact of measures
• Assessment of Greenhouse-gas impact
• Assessment of achievements of objectives and fitting into priority areas
The assessment included review and analysis of more than 35 Grant agreements and more than 250 projects in the energy sector of Bulgaria including district heating rehabilitation projects, energy efficiency in public buildings, energy efficiency of street lighting, Power generation and distribution, Energy efficiency in industry and mining, Natural gas supply

Funding: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Client: Ministry of Energy, Bulgaria
Term: 2017-2018
In cooperation with: adelphi, Germany

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1000 Sofia,
Tel/ Fax: (00359) 2 981 92 28
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