Nowadays the sustainable development and climate change are one of the most discussed issues. A lot of efforts worldwide have been made to mitigate the climate change effects. Our team has been working on these issues for more than 15 years and have gained extensive experience in the field. Moreover we have worked and established quite good cooperation on the emission and climate problems with some of the most respectful companies in Europe such as COWI from Denmark, DHV in The Netherlands, Adelphi Consult GmbH from Germany etc. Some of our projects are:

IPPC monitoring implementation in BulgariaIPPC monitoring implementation in Bulgaria. Methodology to estimate emissions from industries for the use of self-monitoring and reporting.

The project objective is to develop a methodology to estimate emissions from industries for the use of self monitoring and reporting. The project also provided training on the requirements of the E-PRTR and the reporting procedures which the big companies have to follow in line with the E-PRTR.

Funding: Dutch agency EVD, now NL agency
Client: Bulgarian Executive Environmental Agency
Term: 2006-2007
In cooperation with: DHV, The Netherlands as leading company

Technical Assistance to and PDD development for Emission Purchase Agreement with Yambolen Works JSCTechnical Assistance to and PDD development for Emission Purchase Agreement with Yambolen Works JSC, Bulgaria

The project was aimed at preparation the application documents for Joint implementation project on behalf of a Bulgarian textile company, Yambolen Works JSCq for extension, modernization and reconstruction of Thermal Power Plant (TPP) at Yambolen JSC for transforming the plant into a combined heat and power (CHP) plant and an independent power producer (IPP).

Funding: DEPA
Client: Yambolen Works JSC, Bulgaria
Term: 2005-2006
In cooperation with: Ellegaard Energy Ltd., Denmark

Capacity BuildingCapacity Building in Implementation of the Environmental Acquis at the Local and Regional Level (Europeaid project 116215/CSV/PHA)

The overall objective is to develop the ability of local and regional authorities to effectively implement environmental legislation, particularly in the domains of EIA and IPPC.
The project components were:
• An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the present administrative practices and capacities
• Development of general learning objectives and practical training materials
• Implementation of the training programme in the form of national and regional workshops for EIA and IPPC
• Proposals for any recommended revisions to existing administrative regulations
• Development of national strategies for disseminating the lessons and experiences from the project
• Exchange of experience between the participating countries, through two multi-country workshops

Funding: EU
Client: Ministry of environment and water, Bulgaria
Term: 2004-2005
In cooperation with: Carl Bro (now SWECO), Milieu, DHV and COWI

Assistance on Introduction of IPPC Directive in BulgariaAssistance on Introduction of IPPC Directive in Bulgaria

The project was aimed at providing technical assistance to the Bulgarian authorities in drafting of IPPC Ordinance and evaluation of the necessary investments for the implementation of the IPPC Directive in Bulgaria.

Funding: DEPA
Client: Ministry of environment and water, Bulgaria
Term: 2002-2003
In cooperation with: Carl Bro (now SWECO), Denmark

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1000 Sofia,
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