Establishment of bio-waste management infrastructure on regional level: separate collection and treatment of bio-waste The purpose of the project is creating knowledge and understanding in the Bulgarian national and local authorities on the requirements and main elements of collection and treatment of biodegradable waste. The project results are as follows:

1. Development of a pilot model for separate collection and treatment of biodegradable wastes;

2. Development of a manual (handbook) on biodegradable waste management;

3. On-the-spot training of experts of the ministry and municipalities on various aspects of biowaste management;

4. Recommendations for legal amendments to facilitate and ensure countrywide implementation of biodegradable waste management

Funding: Programme Environmental Facility of the Dutch NLAgency

Client: The Bulgarian Ministry of environment and water

Term: 2010-2011

In cooperation with: NL Agency, The Netherlands VAR BV, The Netherlands Grontmij, The Netherlands (now SWECO)

19, “6 septemvri” str., floor 1
1000 Sofia,
Tel/ Fax: (00359) 2 981 92 28
Mob. (00359) 888 662 915
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